05 November 2006


Untitled, 2006
"Collectif Vacancy" fanzine n°4

"Le Grand Chelem et le Petit Schmilblick"
4 students' collectives of ENSAPC
Opening: 22 november 2006, 6 pm
Location: gallery La Vitrine, Paris
23 november - 23 december 2006

Collectives: L'atelier Cherry, Club-Sandwich, Persona Non Grata, Collectif Vacancy

VISUAL ARTISTS_ Exhibition (2006)

"Visual Artists"

Curator: Jean-Marc Chevalier
Location: Espace Oroeil, Chabeuil
16 & 17 September 2006

Artists: Cédric Anglaret, Sibel Diker, Audrey Douanne, Chloé Duloquin, Pauline Fouché, Olivier Lapert, Caroline Pellet


View From My Window, 2006
Video, 1 stereo tape, 6'03'' (loop)

Several landscapes of Istanbul and Paris follow one other and create an endless back-and-forth between the two cities. And then, a numerical "zoom in" disturbs this linear contemplation. The spectator catches a deceleration and a pause while the machine continues the digital zoming process. At this point, the humain eye and the lens of the camera are confronted. Ocular and perception's difficulties remind us that the story might be outside of the projection. The perception of the spectator and the restricted capacities of the machine confront each other on the surface of the clouds which became indistinguishable under the pixels.

4th International Triennal Of The University Of Marmara
http://www.ensapc.fr/dnsep2006/diker/diker.html/ DNSEP 2006

BLACK SEA (2006)

Black Sea, 2006
Video installation/ 3 video projectors, 1 TV monitor, 2 stereo tapes (loop)

Composed of three video projections and a TV monitor, this installation creates a panoramic landscape through the fragmentations of various points of view. The constancy of the images, as well as the absence of human being, put the viewer in a contemplative exercice and in a physical displacement within the installation. In this video projection, the approach of the landscape imply -as in the European and Asian history of art- the notions of ascencion and of motion. The monitor is distinguished from the projections by its small size but more especially by its soundtrack which refers to a brutal reality -of engines boats around- and finally, by the movement of the camera which, in a subjective way, films a displacement in loop along the stone wall of the port. Here the TV monitor's subject is, in opposition to the video projections, clearly about walking.

DNSEP 2006

22 M²_ Exhibition(2006)

Karaköy, 2006
Video, 1 stereo tape, (loop)

"22 m²"
Curator: Collectif Vacancy
Opening: 6 april 2006, 6 pm
Location: Paris 11

Artists: Sibel Diker, Pauline Fouché, Alice Gervaise, Sophie Kélédjian, Romain Huteau