03 November 2005

WAITING FOR_ Exhibition (2005)

Crimea, 2005
Video, 1 stereo tape, 6'42'' (loop)

A woman -quasy ghostly- saunders continuously as a tightrope walker on the roof of a bilding and stops regulary to look around. The search of heigh and loneliness, out of and in front of the society, gives her a better observation of the world. The choreography of her displacement and her isolation refer to a circulation in a labyrinth. This video, close to German Romantic period, is based on the topics of walking and contemplation.

"Waiting For"
Opening: 17 november 2005, 6 pm
Location: Gallery La Vitrine, Paris
18 november - 03 december 2005

Artists: Sibel Diker, Audrey Douanne, Caroline Dubois, Julie Favreau, Pauline Fouché