Salty Land, 2011
4 digital prints, 47 x 70 cm
Video, 1 stereo tape, 5''56'' (loop)
Composed of one video and 4 photographies, this installation is based on the notion of “non-place”. According to Marc Augé, “non-place” is a space where the humain beings are anonymous and where relational or historical connections are impossible. Istanbul’s endless activities of construction and its structural understanding are the starting point of this work. Numerous construction sites and cityscapes views of the video underline the hybrid dimension of this city. The digital prints show a sailor which seems to have leave the sea. Until very recently, the world's economy, progress and even the wars were lead through the sea; whereas actually it’s through the air. There is nothing left to discover in the sea, now it’s space time. The concept of “surmordernity” is accentuated with this “outdated” sailor symbol inside of the big city.
"Considering The Circumstances"
Curator: Necmi Sönmez
Opening: 4 february 2011, 7 pm
Location: Borusan Music House, Istanbul
5 february - 12 march 2011
Opening: 4 february 2011, 7 pm
Location: Borusan Music House, Istanbul
5 february - 12 march 2011